08 October 2010

One Ass Whooping Needed

Parents: Dying Girl, 7, Taunted by Neighbors in Trenton

TRENTON, Mich. - Her family says 7-year-old Kathleen Edward is in the final stages of a degenerative brain disorder diagnosed as Huntington's Disease - the same disease which killed her mother, Laura, when she was only 24.

Neighbors Jennifer and Scott Petkov, who have been feuding with the family, admitted to posting grim depictions of Laura and Kathleen on Facebook. One photo depicts Laura in the arms of the grim reaper, while the other features Kathleen's face above a set of crossbones.

The couple also have a coffin hitched to a pick-up truck in front of the house, which they say is nothing more than a halloween decoration.

Police responded to the public feud Thursday, but no arrests were made.

The big question: why would someone do this? Police tell Ron Savage they have been called to this street before, dealing with long-standing "family-feud" issues.

A member of Kathleen's family says the bad blood started about two-years ago after the two families had a falling out over a birthday party at the Rose house. At the party kids were using a "bounce-house" and playing games in the front yard. The source says that Jennifer Petkov texted someone in the Rose family, asking if her kids could come to the event. A response to the text did not come quickly enough and it angered Jennifer. According to the Rose family, she's been harassing them ever since.

A rally for Kathleen Edward has been planned for Saturday, Oct. 23 from 3 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. at Haas Park in Trenton.

The invitation reads: "She has been tormented by sadistic neighbors. Please come and join us in showing Kathleen there are good people that care."




Wait a second.

Did I just read this right?


This family is taunting a little girl who is dying of the SAME disease that killed her mother over a fucking children's birthday party?
Not only that, this rabid twat is posting made up death pics of the girl and her deceased mother on facebook!

*pointing* This shit right here!

This right here is the reason I once said we need jump squads.
Just a group of random folks to pop out the woodwork and commence to beating some ass!

I got a dollar right here that I'm willing to bet that this family is the one on the block that is always keeping shit up. Kids outta control, getting drunk having loud parties and just disrespect other's property.

Just watching 2 minutes of this clip made ME want to jump through my monitor and slap the cowboy shit outta Jennifer. She seems like one of those people that would make my mother say, "she ain't had her ass beat yet!" Look at the smug ass expression on her face, this heffa thinks this shit is ok! AND SHE'S SOMEBODY'S MOTHER!

What kind of role model is she being to her child/children? If something upsets you, no matter how fucking petty, act like a bitch for personal satisfaction? PARENTING FAIL!

As of now, I bet she's had to shut down her facebook because I bet that thing blew up like the three mile island disaster! When I searched, it said this person didn't exist. Hell, her dumb ass is probably getting death threats!

This stupidity over WHY she's doing this just makes me facepalm. In fact, I give this hoe 5 doublefacepalms.

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