19 May 2009

Getting It Together

It's been about three weeks since I've started working out. I've been doing good about being in the gym at least 3 times a week. It's this eating thing that's giving me problems. You see, my problem wasn't overeating, no no. They said I wasn't EATING ENOUGH! Yep, that's right, my fat ass wasn't eating enough. How strange!

I do light lifting with 2.5 jelly bells. Jelly bells as barbells that have a silicone cover. The ones I use are a dark red. I do upper body work with the jelly bells and then I use a 2 lb ball to do ab work. I'm currently adding crunches and leg lifts for an overall workout.

Once I finish that, I hop on the bike. My first day, I could only do .2 miles before giving up. Now I'm up to 3 miles and I can pedal the first mile without having to stop for breath! I like the endorphin rush that I'm high on for a few hours afterwards. It's better than codeine!

I'm trying to drag everyone I know with me. I have four free guest passes and so far I've managed to pull two people along. So far, so good. LOL

I also have a doctors appointment coming up, I need to get back on my birth control because the female issues are starting to rise again! Urrrrgh!



RiPPa said...

I want you to knw that this post has inspired me to get off my fat ass and get busy. I started a "routine" a couple months ago; I've since fallen off the wagon.

Stick with it and let us know how it's coming along.

Jade Star said...

Ah, I'm glad my torment is helping you get back in gear! I think I've managed to curse out at least 4 trainers so far.

I've started a new routine using the pilates ball. That piece of rubber is the tool of satan, I swear!