15 August 2010

Technicolor Dreams and Their Meanings

I've been slowly getting myself back together after dealing with the ex. This morning, I had a rather vivid dream that I felt was telling me alot about my situation and myself. The dream was quite complex, but at the same time so beautiful that still thinking about it brings me to tears.

The dream starts as I'm at the last week of college. I've already graduated and I'm now preparing to venture out into life. My college had a drug ring going on. I caught wind of it and approached the Chancellor (read Dean) and told him what happened. The Chancellor didn't believe me and brushed me off as if I was making this up. The leader of the drug ring found out I was basically snitching and instead of killing me, gave me a very posh apartment on the promise that I'd never tell anyone else.

My male friend (let's call him John) had decided to move away to the 'city' with me. I'd mentioned Minneapolis once, but afterwards I just called it the city. Meanwhile there was a huge party on campus similar to a carnival. Students, professors, visitors all were dressed in costumes. I didn't have a costume on because I was leaving that same night. Somehow, I set the drug leader up to have the Chancellor overhear what he was talking about.

The Chancellor apologized to me profusely saying, "I'm so sorry. I didn't believe you. I should have believed you when you first told me." I shook his hand and left. To exit the building, I had to go through another room to reach the main door. The room was filled to the brim with scarves.


Yes, scarves.

Scarves all colors of the rainbow! Some were plain colors, others had designs, embroideries. Some were silk, others lace. Some were small and some were big. It was if I was dumped into a rainbow sea. It was very difficult to get through the room because I was slipping on scarves, slipping to the floor, sliding into the wall and finding myself upside down. It was almost confusing, but I pressed on. After basically swimming through the rainbow sea, I finally reached the door and exited the building.

Upon reaching outside, I saw my older sister! She told me she was leaving to head back to Chicago so she could make it back to work. In my hand I was holding a scarf that was white, with a green border design and in the middle inside a green box with white lettering it said: "Tory is going to be alright." She cooed over how beautiful the scarf was, tied it on her head and left.

I looked down and noticed I had scarves tied to me. I had purple scarves on my ankles, a gold one around my waist, blue ones on my wrists and I wore a red/gold scarf on my head. The red scarf was large and almost like a cowl/cape and had gold borders like an Aztec design. I started walking to the U-Haul truck where John was waiting for me. As I was walking, I started to sing.

"Ay, ay, ay, ay,
Canta y no llores,
Porque cantando se alegran,
Cielito lindo, los corazones."

As I'm singing and walking, a mariachi band comes across the street and starts playing and singing along! Now we're walking and singing and the colors start to stream from the scarves, leaving a rainbow trail behind me. Almost like spilled paint, the colors pool through the air, floating as we're singing and walking. I continue to walk and the band only follows so far. As they stop and continue to play, I walk off leaving the trail of rainbows as I get into the U-Haul with John and drive away.

The colors were so beautiful and the peaceful feeling I had left me waking up in tears. Even now as I recall the dream, I start to tear up. I'm tearing up as I'm typing this. I think the dream represents the situation I'm currently going through with my ex.

About a year ago, he dumped me TWICE, but continued to hang on as if nothing had changed. Of course, me having feelings for him was content with the situation. About that same time, about a month after being dumped, I met John. John has become like my companion because we do alot of silly stuff together. John has recently got out of a jacked up relationship himself.

This is how I felt the dream went.

John = Helping me move on. Hence the U-Haul truck and just going to the 'city' The city could represent anything like life, new place, new place IN life.

Chancellor = my ex. Because my ex had dumped me twice, but kept holding on because every time I wanted to part ways for good, he would either not listen or just hang on.

Scarves = I was told these could represent various chakras.
  • Purple - Chakra 6: Ajna The sixth chakra is located between the eyebrows at the third eye position relating to mind, intuition, and heightened self awareness. Violet is the color here. Insufficient amounts of energy here can cause a person to be oversensitive and afraid of success.
  • Blue - Chakra 5: Vishuddha The fifth chakra is located at the throat and relates to communication, creativity, and self identification. The color here is blue. A blocked chakra here can cause a person to be devious and manipulative.
  • Gold - Chakra 3: Manipura The third chakra is located at the solar plexus and relates to will, power, and social identification. This chakra's color is yellow. A lack of energy here may result in depression and confusion. This was the most interesting because the yellow scarf is tied around my waist in the dream!
  • Red - Chakra 1: Muladhara The root chakra is located at the base of the spine. This chakra deals with human potential, primitive energy, basic survival needs and our foundations. Red is the color associated with this chakra. A significant lack of energy here can make people weak and self-destructive.
  • Green - (the scarf I gave my sister) Chakra 4: Anahata The fourth chakra is located over the heart and relates to love, balance, compassion, and self expression. Green, and sometimes pink, is the color of this chakra. Little energy in this chakra may cause paranoia and indecision.

Sea of scarves = this represents me dealing with the finality of finally cutting the ex off for good. The struggle of getting through the room is the three years I struggled with trying to decide whether to continue the relationship or not.

Singing in Spanish = The translation for what I was singing was, sing, don't cry, because heavenly one, singing gladdens the heart.

I'm still analyzing this dream and what it means, but even if it doesn't mean anything, it was simply beautiful. I doubt I will ever see colors like this with my eyes, but I would love to.

I feel tons better now. I haven't cried about my ex or really thought about him. Today represents the last day I will allow myself to mourn over this. Maybe the dream was to let me know it's ok to move on and I will really be alright.


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