14 March 2009

My Life...so far

It's been an interesting almost 2 months since I've last blogged. I've finally decided to pursue a full time job somewhere else. This trying to sell Insurance on full commission, just wasn't doing it. To make matters worse, I got my licenses RIGHT before the economy tanked, so I never really got to sell any policies.

Thus beginning my job hunt from hell. As of the middle of Feb, I had been on four interviews. It seems these jobs now make you want to jump through hoops, part the red sea and stage the second coming of Jesus before they will hire you. Not to mention, even the most menial of jobs require that you have a 4 year degree! WTF!

On an average day, I'm sending out 16-20 resumes. I have accounts on damn near every job board possible and STILL no hits. I'm trying to not get depressed, but it's getting hard. All I can do is just keep it moving. That's my motto for 2009: Keep It Moving.

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